
Vote to approve rules will happen during General Membership meeting on : October 14, 2024


1. Name and Identity 

The name of this PTSA is Beaver Lake Middle PTSA 2.6.33. It was chartered June 1994. 

2. Incorporation 

This PTSA was incorporated on August 8, 1994. 

3. Charitable Solicitations 

This PTSA is registered under the Charitable Solicitations Act, registration number UBI 601566397.  The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31 to avoid penalties. 

4. Tax-exempt Status 

This PTSA was granted tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in August 1995. A copy of the letter of determination is filed in the legal document notebooks maintained by the president and secretary. 

5. IRS Filing 

The treasurer is responsible for filing the appropriate federal informational return prior to November 15th. Copies of the current and past years’ returns are kept in the legal document notebooks maintained by the president and secretary. 

6. Legal Documents 

This unit shall keep at least two (2) copies of each of its legal documents, in separate locations.  The Secretary and Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining these copies. 

7. Standards of Affiliation 

Per the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, this PTSA will annually complete the Washington State PTA Standards of Affiliation agreement in its entirety, and we agree to abide by all requirements and to uphold the ethics, policies, and principles of the PTA. 

8. Membership 

Membership in Beaver Lake Middle School PTSA shall be open to all people without discrimination. Membership is open to all parents, teachers, staff, grandparents, guardians, students, community members, and any other persons that support and encourage the purposes of PTSA. 

9. Membership Termination

An individual’s membership in Beaver Lake Middle School PTSA may be terminated by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its board of directors for conduct that may damage the value and goodwill associated with PTA, or that violates the purposes, policies, or standing rules of Beaver Lake Middle School PTSA including the bylaws of WSPTA and National PTA. Details on the process for termination of membership are included in current WSPTA policy. Beaver Lake Middle School PTSA shall notify the WSPTA board of directors within 5 business days if a membership has been terminated.


10. Membership Dues and Council Fees 

The membership service fees of this unit shall not exceed $30.00 per family, and single membership service fees shall not exceed $20.00. The students of Beaver Lake Middle School shall be considered honorary members of this unit without privilege of holding office or voting rights. Staff and community membership fees are at the discretion of the Executive Committee but will not exceed $12.00. 

11. Membership Meetings and Quorum 

There shall be at least three (3) General Membership Meetings of this unit during the school year, as scheduled by the Executive Committee. These meetings will be held to approve the Standing Rules, elect a Nominating Committee, elect officers, and adopt the Annual Budget. 

Beaver Lake Middle PTSA holds membership and board meetings using remote communications where all participants may hear and see one another and participate substantially concurrently and/or in-person hybrid meetings. 

Remote voting for membership meetings is permitted when the voting is substantially concurrent. A quorum of at least 10 members must be present to conduct business. 

12. Elected officers, co-officers, standards of affiliation, and training requirements

The elected officers of this PTA shall be:President, Vice President Volunteers, Vice President Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Officers of this PTA shall be elected for a term of one year. An officer may not serve more than two consecutive fiscal years in the same office. An officer having served eight or more months in the same fiscal year shall be considered to have served a full year.  

Any elected position may be held jointly by two people. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to make motions, participate in debate, and vote at a meeting of the executive committee orboard of directors.  In the event of co-treasurers, one of the treasurers may not be a signer on the bank account.

This PTA will ensure that each executive committee member attends a minimum of one WSPTA-approved training during the fiscal year. At least one member of the executive committee will attend PTA and the Law during the fiscal year.

13. Board of Directors 

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee (see #11), and may include Fundraising Chair(s), Advocacy Representative(s), Communications Chair(s), and two (2) at large positions.  Board membership shall be appointed.  

The Principal or an appointed staff member shall have a seat at any PTSA meeting with voice but not a vote. A Board Meeting may be scheduled each month unless otherwise announced. All Board members shall be members in good standing of this local PTSA unit. 

Remote voting for board of directors’ meetings is permitted when the voting is substantially concurrent. A quorum is represented by a majority of Board members. 

14. Bank Account 

This PTA shall establish one or more accounts in financial institutions as determined by the board of directors. The signatures of at least three (3) Board Members shall be on the authorized Signature card for the Beaver Lake Middle School PTSA bank account. All checks must be signed by two (2) authorized signers. 

15. Independent Review of Bank Statements 

The PTA’s monthly bank account statements shall be provided to a person appointed by the board of directors. This person will be appointed by the board at the beginning of the fiscal year and shall not be a signer on the account. The reviewer shall promptly report to the executive committee any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review. If no concerns or discrepancies are seen, the reviewer shall initial and date the account statements and provide them to the treasurer. 

16. Payments and Reimbursements 

All payment and reimbursement requests shall include an invoice or a receipt and should be submitted to the treasurer within 60 days of expenditure. Any requests for reimbursement not submitted by June 15th, or the date determined by the treasurer prior to the end of the school year, will be considered a donation to the general fund of this PTA. 

No authorized signer will sign a check to her or himself. Two authorized signers must sign all PTA checks. 

17. Budget and Monthly Financial Reports 

The PTSA shall approve an Interim Annual Budget at the Spring General Membership Meeting and the Actual Annual Budget in the Fall each year. The budget committee shall consist of at least three PTSA members, including at least one incoming and one outgoing board member.  The Treasurer shall chair the budget committee. 

The Board of Directors has the authority to make budget allocations of up to $1000. 

The PTSA may conduct a financial review of its books and records midyear each year in addition to the required financial review at the close of the fiscal year. Signors on the bank account may not be on the financial review committee. 

18. Bucks for Bulldogs 

“Bucks for Bulldogs” staff grants will be reviewed by a Sub Committee appointed by the President and its recommendations are approved by the Board of Directors. 

19. Awards 

One or more Golden Acorn Award(s) shall be presented annually to outstanding volunteers. A committee appointed by the President shall select the recipients (s), the Executive Committee shall determine the number of recipients. Other awards (such as Outstanding Educators) will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors, based on yearly awards budget. 

20. Voting Delegates 

Voting delegate(s) to the Annual Washington State PTA Convention shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall determine the number of delegates to be funded by the PTSA. 

Voting delegate(s) to the Legislative Assembly shall be the Advocacy Representative(s), unless otherwise designated by the Board of Directors. Additional delegates will be appointed by the President based on membership numbers. 

Voting delegates to the Issaquah PTSA Council 2.6 shall be determined by many as two others as authorized by the Executive Committee. 

The Board of Directors will also determine which member will attend the meetings each month or if they will attend meetings on a rotating basis. 

21. Collaboration with Other Organizations  

This PTA may collaborate with non-PTA organizations. The PTA will handle only PTA funds and will have in place a signed contract with the other organization to clearly establish whether it is a PTA activity or the other organization’s activity. This PTA will not be a fiscal agent, fiscal sponsor, or sign a sponsorship or charter agreement with any outside organization or agency.

22. Standing Rules 

The standing rules of this PTA shall be adopted annually by majority vote at the first membership meeting of the school year. The standing rules may be amended at a membership meeting by majority vote if previous notice of the meeting was given. If no previous notice was given, then a two-thirds (2/3) vote is required. 

Beaver Lake Middle PTSA will follow Washington State PTSA By-Laws for anything not covered in these Standing Rules. 

23. Nominating Committee 

The Nominating Committee shall be elected according to the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, Article VI, Sections 1, 2 and 3. The elected Nominating Committee members must have participated in at least one general membership meeting of Beaver Lake Middle PTSA prior to serving in the role.