Double the Impact of Your Donations!

Did you know that many well-known companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Starbucks, Boeing, T-Mobile, Oracle, and more will match your PTSA donations and volunteer hours?

How It Works

  • Matching Gifts: These programs match a portion or all of your PTSA donations. Check if your employer participates for an even bigger impact!
  • Volunteer Grants: When you volunteer, these programs provide grants to the organizations you support. Your time can be worth more than you think!

Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to amplify your generosity. Find out if your employer participates, complete any required documentation utilizing the following information, and make your contribution go even further:

  • Beaver Lake Middle School PTSA
  • Non-profit, tax-exempt organization under section 501(C)(3)
  • 25025 SE 32nd St, Sammamish, WA 98029
  • Unit # 2.6.33
  • Tax ID: 91-1642275

Thank you for your ongoing support!